7) All drilled and turned. Note that a new, premium brake shoe fits perfectly.
10) Like we said, even disc brakes can benefit from having venting holes drilled, note the Z-3 pattern.
8) Even classic finned Buick drums can benefit from being drilled. Here Vince simulates an approximate hole pattern with an ink marker.
11) Ever since the dual master cylinder became standard equipment in the late '60s, it has become the way to go. The original '55 single unit on the right operates all four wheels, so if there's a leak anywhere, you're out of brakes. With the dual cylinder, front and rear brakes have their own supply of fluid, so if you lose the rear, you still have the front, or vice versa. As you can see here, C.M Topping can match your mounting hole pattern and stroke depth perfectly.
9) Another example of the diverse types of brakes that get the drilling treatment at C.H. Topping is this vintage Porsche drum.
12) If you're going to do anything at all to upgrade a '50s brake system, make it replacing the master cylinder with a modem one. This dual chamber unit from C.M Topping was a direct bolt on replacement and fit the firewall with no modifications. Obviously, new brake lines will be required to separate the front and rear systems.